Best 90 Positive Affirmations for Luck and Good Fortune

We all chase that feeling of being lucky – the job offer that lands perfectly, finding a $20 bill on the street, hitting every green light. But what if luck wasn’t just about chance? Positive affirmations for luck help you change your internal script, attracting good fortune and opportunities. They shift your focus from what you lack to the abundance all around you.

Think of affirmations as a magnet for good vibes. By consistently focusing on possibility and gratitude, you become more receptive to those unexpected, joyful moments. Positive affirmations for luck won’t make all your problems disappear, but they’ll train your mind to spot the hidden opportunities, increasing the probability of those “lucky breaks” you crave.

What are Affirmations for Luck and Good Fortune?

Affirmations for luck and good fortune are powerful tools that can help you attract positive energy into your life. Positive affirmations for attracting luck and good fortune are simple statements that you can repeat to yourself daily to help you shift your mindset and focus on the positive aspects of your life.

They help you attract luck, prosperity, and abundance into your life.

90 Positive Affirmations for Luck and Good Fortune

  1. Every day, I am blessed with new opportunities and abundance.
  2. The universe is constantly aligning in my favor, bringing me luck and success.
  3. My positive mindset and attitude attract good luck and good fortune.
  4. I am grateful for the abundance of blessings in my life, both big and small.
  5. I trust that the universe has great plans for me, and that everything is happening for my highest good.
  6. I am confident in my ability to manifest good luck and good fortune in all areas of my life.
  7. My luck never runs out, and my blessings are never-ending.
  8. I am open to receiving unexpected blessings and miracles from the universe.
  9. I am surrounded by positive energy, love, and light, attracting good luck and good fortune effortlessly.
  10. I am worthy of all the abundance and prosperity the universe has to offer.
  11. I am filled with gratitude for all the blessings in my life, both past and present.
  12. My positive energy attracts positive outcomes, bringing me good luck and good fortune.
  13. The universe is always working in my favor, bringing me exactly what I need at the right time.
  14. I am constantly attracting abundance and prosperity into my life, and I am grateful for every bit of it.
  15. My thoughts and actions align with my desires, bringing me good luck and good fortune.
  16. The universe is a limitless source of abundance, and I am open to receiving all the blessings that come my way.
  17. I am surrounded by love and positivity, and my blessings continue to multiply.
  18. My life is filled with good luck and good fortune, and I am constantly amazed by the blessings that come my way.
  19. I am confident in my ability to attract abundance and success, and I trust that the universe is always on my side.
  20. Every day, I wake up feeling grateful and lucky, knowing that the universe has amazing things in store for me.
  21. I am grateful for all the good luck and good fortune in my life, and I know that more is on the way.
  22. I attract positivity and abundance in all aspects of my life, and my blessings continue to grow.
  23. I am surrounded by positive energy, and my good luck and good fortune are a natural result.
  24. I trust that the universe has my back, and that everything is always working out for my highest good.
  25. I am worthy of all the abundance and prosperity the universe has to offer, and I am grateful for every bit of it.
  26. My positive mindset attracts positive outcomes, bringing me good luck and good fortune in everything I do.
  27. I am filled with joy and gratitude, knowing that the universe has amazing things in store for me.
  28. My life is overflowing with abundance, and I am open to receiving even more blessings from the universe.
  29. I am surrounded by love and positivity, and I know that my good luck and good fortune are a direct result of my positive energy.
  30. The universe is constantly working in my favor, and I am grateful for all the blessings that come my way.
  31. I am confident in my ability to manifest my dreams and desires, attracting good luck and good fortune every step of the way.
  32. My life is filled with happiness, abundance, and success, and I am constantly amazed by the blessings that come my way.
  33. I am worthy of all the good things in life, and I am grateful for the abundance and prosperity that flows into my life.
  34. I trust that the universe is always working in my favor, and that everything is always happening for my highest good.
  35. Every day, I am attracting more good fortune and blessings into my life.
  36. The universe is conspiring to bring me all the luck and success that I deserve.
  37. I am surrounded by positive energy and good luck.
  38. With each passing day, my life is becoming more and more abundant with good luck and prosperity.
  39. I am worthy of all the luck and good fortune that comes my way.
  40. My positive attitude and mindset attract good luck and positive outcomes.
  41. The more I focus on positive thoughts and feelings, the luckier I become.
  42. I am open and receptive to all the good fortune that the universe has in store for me.
  43. I am grateful for all the good luck and blessings that come into my life.
  44. My life is full of good luck, positive opportunities, and abundance.
  45. Luck is always on my side, and success follows me wherever I go.
  46. I am confident in my ability to attract good luck and abundance.
  47. I trust that the universe has a plan for me that includes good luck and success.
  48. My positive thoughts and beliefs create a powerful magnet for good luck and good fortune.
  49. I am surrounded by an abundance of positive energy and good luck.
  50. I am constantly attracting positive circumstances and opportunities into my life.
  51. I am open and receptive to all the good things that life has to offer, including good luck and good fortune.
  52. My life is full of blessings, and I am grateful for all the good fortune that comes my way.
  53. I trust that the universe is always working in my favor and bringing me good luck and success.
  54. I am confident in my ability to manifest my desires and attract good luck into my life.
  55. I am surrounded by an abundance of positive energy and good luck.
  56. I attract good luck and good fortune effortlessly and easily.
  57. Every day, I am becoming luckier and more successful in every area of my life.
  58. I am worthy of all the good luck and abundance that the universe has in store for me.
  59. I am grateful for all the good fortune and blessings that come my way.
  60. I am open and receptive to all the positive energy and good luck that the universe has to offer me.
  61. My positive thoughts and beliefs create a powerful vortex of good luck and abundance.
  62. I am constantly attracting good luck and positive opportunities into my life.
  63. I am confident in my ability to attract good fortune and success in all areas of my life.
  64. My life is full of positive energy, abundance, and good luck, and I am grateful for all the blessings that come my way.
  65. I am blessed with endless opportunities for abundance and prosperity.
  66. My luck increases with every positive thought and action I take.
  67. I am surrounded by good energy and good fortune.
  68. I attract good luck effortlessly and naturally.
  69. My positive attitude attracts endless blessings and opportunities.
  70. My life is filled with miracles and blessings.
  71. The universe conspires to bring me good fortune and abundance.
  72. I am open to receiving unexpected blessings and miracles.
  73. I trust that everything always works out for my highest good.
  74. I am in perfect alignment with the energy of abundance and prosperity.
  75. My life is filled with an abundance of love, joy, and prosperity.
  76. I am always in the right place at the right time for my highest good.
  77. I am deserving of all the good things that come into my life.
  78. I am grateful for the abundance and blessings in my life.
  79. I am always surrounded by positive energy and good luck.
  80. My positive energy attracts an abundance of good luck and blessings.
  81. My life is overflowing with prosperity, joy, and abundance.
  82. I am a magnet for good fortune and success.
  83. I am open to receiving all the wealth and abundance the universe has to offer.
  84. I am blessed with a life filled with good luck and good fortune.
  85. The universe is conspiring to bring me endless blessings and abundance.
  86. I am aligned with the energy of abundance and prosperity in all aspects of my life.
  87. I am constantly attracting positive energy and good fortune into my life.
  88. I trust that the universe has a plan for me and everything always works out for my highest good.
  89. My mind is filled with positive thoughts and my life is filled with positive experiences.
  90. I am grateful for the abundance and prosperity in my life and look forward to even more blessings to come.

Manifesting Abundance

Lucky angel affirmation can be tailored to attract various forms of abundance, including financial prosperity, love, and happiness. By aligning your affirmations with specific goals, you can manifest your desires more effectively.

How to Write I am Lucky Affirmations

When writing i am lucky affirmations, it’s important to focus on expressing gratitude for the good things in your life and affirming that you attract even more luck and good fortune. Here are some examples:

  • I am grateful for the abundance and good fortune in my life.
  • I attract luck and positive opportunities every day.
  • Luck is always on my side and I am blessed with good fortune.

It’s important to choose affirmations for luck that resonate with you and feel authentic. You can also personalize your positive affirmation for luck by adding specific details or emotions that align with your goals and desires.

How do Luck Affirmations Work?

Luck affirmations work by creating a positive mindset and attracting positive energy into your life. When you repeat affirmations for luck and good fortune, you are training your brain to focus on positive thoughts and emotions, which in turn attract more positive experiences and opportunities into your life.

By affirming that you are lucky and blessed with good fortune, you are sending a powerful message to the universe that you are ready to receive abundance. This, in turn, attracts more positivity and opportunities into your life, as you become more open and receptive to the good things that come your way.

How to Use Positive Affirmations for Good Luck

To use positive affirmations for good luck, it’s important to choose affirmations that resonate with you and repeat them daily with conviction and gratitude. Here are some examples of positive affirmations for good luck:

  • I am a magnet for good luck and positive opportunities.
  • Every day, I attract luck and abundance into my life.
  • I am open to receiving all the blessings and good fortune that the universe has in store for me.

It’s important to believe in the power of your affirmations for luck and visualize yourself already experiencing the good luck and abundance you desire. By focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, you become more open and receptive to the good things that come your way, and attract more positive experiences and opportunities into your life.

What are the Benefits of Good Fortune Affirmations

There are several benefits of using good fortune affirmations in your daily life. First and foremost, affirmations for luck help to shift your mindset from a negative, limiting one to a positive, abundant one. By focusing on the positive aspects of your life and expressing gratitude for them, you attract more positive experiences and opportunities.

Using good fortune affirmations also helps to increase your confidence and self-esteem. When you repeat positive affirmations to yourself, you begin to believe them and feel more capable of achieving your goals. This can help you to take more risks, try new things, and ultimately, achieve greater success.

Affirmations for luck can also help to reduce stress and anxiety. By focusing on positive thoughts and outcomes, you can reduce the impact of negative thoughts and emotions. This can lead to a greater sense of peace and calm, which can have a positive impact on your overall well-being.

Powerful good luck affirmations can help you to develop a more positive outlook on life. By focusing on the good in your life, you begin to see the world through a more positive lens. This can help you to feel happier, more fulfilled, and more connected to the people and experiences around you.


Incorporating positive affirmations to attract luck into your daily routine can have a powerful impact on your mindset and your life. By focusing your thoughts on abundance and opportunity, you can attract more luck and good fortune into your life.

Whether you choose to write your own affirmations or use pre-written ones, the key is to repeat them consistently and with conviction. So, start practicing affirmations for luck today and watch as your life starts to change for the better!


  1. Q: Can affirmations for luck really work? A: Yes, by consistently repeating affirmations for luck and focusing your thoughts on abundance and opportunity, you can attract more luck and good fortune into your life.
  2. Q: How do I write effective affirmations for luck? A: To write effective affirmations for luck, focus on positive statements that reinforce your belief in your own good fortune. Use present tense language and affirmations that resonate with you personally.
  3. Q: How often should I repeat affirmations for luck? A: Repeat affirmations for luck as often as you like, but aim for at least once or twice a day. You can repeat them silently to yourself, write them down, or even speak them out loud.
  4. Q: Can affirmations for luck help with specific goals or situations? A: Yes, by focusing your thoughts on positive outcomes, affirmations for luck can help you to attract more opportunities and resources to achieve specific goals or overcome challenges.
  5. Q: Are there any other tips for using affirmations for luck effectively? A: Yes, it’s important to approach affirmations for luck with a positive and open mindset, and to avoid self-doubt or negative self-talk. Additionally, try to incorporate other positive habits and practices into your daily routine, such as gratitude journaling or meditation, to amplify the effects of your affirmations.