What Does God Look Like?

The vision of God as described by Ezekiel

Do you have an image of God that you can bring to mind?

If not an image, can you instead think of a quality, or abstract idea of God that you can make some sort of bridge to the divine, at least intellectually to begin with?

Can you invoke a sense of divinity within?

What might that feel like?

These are the questions asked by seekers and mystics.

If you’re not seeking then you may just accept the image of God handed down to you by your parents, your school, your community, your culture and your civilisation.

And like so many of us living under patriarchal western interpretations of canonical biblical texts of the abrahamic religions, you will probably see a white bearded man sitting on a cloud (throwing lightening bolts if you studied ancient history)

But if you are seeking, then perhaps you’ve already experimented with consciousness expanding practices and had an experience of divine union and realisation of personal gnosis as to the reality of God and have received your own vision.

Or perhaps you’ve never thought about what God looks like. Maybe you’ve written God off as a superstitious idea that has no empirical basis that can be subjected to the scientific method in order to prove the existence, beyond all reasonable doubt of God.

If that is the case, then please for a moment suspend your disbelief so that you may consider new research by Scholar James Wenn from Byrga Geniht.

James’s research into the visions of God as received by the Prophet Ezekiel in 592bc and documented in the Old Testament has enabled him to create a new vision of God using advanced 3D modelling techniques.

What is unique about the model that James has created is that it overlaps sacred geometry, the arrangement of particles on the atomic and sub-atomic plane forming shapes into chemicals and the descriptions of God as given by Ezekiel 2500 years ago.

When I see James’ image of God, and hear the words of Ezekiel, to me its like Ezekiel was describing some sort a fundamental building block of reality, maybe a divine spark that holds the moment so that existence can unfold across space and time in some sort of kaleidoscopic everything, everywhere all at once manner.

Please watch Byrga Geniht‘s presentation below to view James’ image of the Divine and let me know what you think about it in the comments.

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