Prince Harry (Henry) Astrology Chart

Prince Henry coming back from exile, annihilating a castle with fire, fury, and brimstone. The castle is engulfed in fire

Prince Harry’s Astrology Birth Chart

Prince Harry was born on the 15th of September 1984 in London at 16:20.

This chart and all videos use whole signs to calculate houses.

Prince Harry's astrology birth natal chart. the chart shows the planet's placements at the time pf prince harry's birth.

Prince Harry’s big three Astrological Placements

Prince Harry’s big three astrological placements are:

Sun in Virgo in the 9th House (22 degrees)

Moon in Taurus in the 5th House (21 degrees – Exalted)

Ascendent is Capricorn (11 degrees)

Prince Harry has a strong trine between the earth signs for his big three. This is a powerful planetary placement to be born with.

Watch the following video for a deeper analysis of Prince Harry’s big three placements.

Prince Harry’s Mars and Jupiter Astrology Placements

Prince Harry’s Mars is in Sagittarius in the 12th House. (16 degrees) Both Mars and Saggittarius are associated with fire, making for an explosive cocktail. Place this into the 12th house of enemies and you have a potentially volatile situation.

Prince Harry’s Jupiter is in Capricorn in the 1st House. (3 degrees) Jupiter is the King of the Gods. Appearing so close to the ascendant could mean that the King of the Gods has given Harry an epic quest to fulfil in this lifetime.

Watch the following video for a deeper analysis of Prince Harry’s Mars and Jupiter placements.

Significant Transits in Prince Harry’s Life

The Death of Princess Diana

31 Aug 1997 – 4:00 am. Prince Harry was 12 years old.

The 1st Day at Eaton College

The Cannabis Scandal

Meeting Meghan

Early July 2016.

The Wedding Day

Sat 19th May 2018

The Interview

Abandoning Royal Duties

January 2020


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