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For more than a decade now, every 29 September has been celebrated as ‘World Heart Day’ to raise awareness against heart-related diseases. But the latest survey conducted by a private company with a sample size of more than 1,12,000 over urban centres in India doesn’t portray an encouraging picture of Indians’ hearts. It says, 70% […]

For more than a decade now, every 29 September has been celebrated as ‘World Heart Day’ to raise awareness against heart-related diseases. But the latest survey conducted by a private company with a sample size of more than 1,12,000 over urban centres in India doesn’t portray an encouraging picture of Indians’ hearts. It says, 70% urban Indians are having a risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). 75% men between 30-34 have CVD risk followed by a similar percentage of men in the 35-39 age group, while among females 66% women are at CVD risk. 55% women in their 30s are at CVD risk. The survey mentions the following factors responsible for CVD risk:

• Diabetes/ Smoking / Cholesterol reading of 200 or more.

• HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein or good Cholesterol) reading of 50mg/dL or less.

• BMI of 23 or more (Overweight).

• BP reading of 140mmHG or more.

Earlier this year, Apollo Hospitals designed and IMRV surveyed heart diseases in India which covered 10 cities. The survey reveals that Indians are more prone to heart diseases due to their smaller calibrated arteries which are mostly responsible for the early deposition of lipids inside arteries and causing Atherosclerosis. While the size of the aorta for an Indian is 1 to 1.25mm, it is 2.5 to 3mm for those living in western countries. Thus, it is clear we Indians are genetically prone to heart diseases. The survey points out the following reasons for the same:

• Poor Stress Management

• Very little or no exercise

• Sedentary Lifestyle

• Consumption of Fat-rich food.

It also reveals that one-fifth of the deaths in India are from coronary heart disease. But by 2020, it will account for one third and a majority of them will be youngsters below the age of 40. WHO has identified India as the country which will have the largest cardiovascular disease burden in the world by 2020. Dr Bansal, head of cardiology department at JJ Hospital, says, “We Indians have bad genetics and we worsen it with our lifestyle that is becoming increasingly westernised and the diet is becoming too high in sodium and fat.”

But he added that it’s not too late to change the trend. Countries like Sweden have recorded lowered heart problems because of stringent efforts both by the state and individuals. He said that prevention of heart disease is as simple as consuming only cow’s milk, avoiding yolk of the egg, sticking to lean meat and eating many colourful fruits and vegetables. He opined “Indians have a wrong notion that only walks in the morning helps. Brisk walking at any time of the day is good exercise. People should at least take up yoga.


A project carried for an year on 71 heart patients in a study group and 42 patients in a control group by Santacruz Yoga institute, Mumbai in 2004, with the aim of evaluating the role of lifestyle modification on yoga techniques, stress management, and dietary modification in retardation of coronary artery disease, concluded that yoga-based lifestyle modifications helped in regression of coronary lesions and in improving myocardial perfusion. The study group patients were given a family-based yoga program which included control of risk factors, dietary modifications, and stress management for an year. These were the results:

• Reduction of total cholesterol by 23.3% in study group patients as compared to 4.4% in the control group.

• Reduction of serum LDL cholesterol by 26% in study group patients as compared to 2.6% in the control group.

• Regression of heart disease by 43.7% of study group patients vs. 31% control group on MPI and 70.4% of study group vs. 28% of the control group on angiography.

•Arrest of progression

A good preventive program suggested by Dr P Namjoshi, preventive cardiologist, to tackle heart diseases includes:

• Education about the heart

• Effective Stress Management

• A healthy diet – high in antioxidants, low in fat and carbohydrates and high in fibre and quality protein

• Yoga for improved blood circulation and pranayama for better breathing

•Meditation for mental relaxation and rejuvenation.

• Exercises to improve collateral circulation and an annual heart check-up

Yoga assists in restoring equilibrium to the body and mind so that good health can flourish. It is particularly effective at dealing with stress-related disorders as it works at both physical and mental level. The asanas (body postures) works on the physical body and the meditation practices help to control and calm the mind. Regular yoga helps in preventing heart diseases and also assists in reducing the afflictions once heart disease is diagnosed. The benefits of regular yoga practices are many which have been understood by western countries also. Though yoga was invented in India, it is spreading rapidly in western countries in comparison to India. The estimated number of people in the US who practice yoga are sometimes as high as 20 million and it is a $6 billion industry there. Now the above surveys and available solutions should make the Indians wake up and embrace Yoga for better heart and health.

Arun Kumar Ghosh is Sri Sri Yoga Teacher.

