In a significant stride towards enhancing maternal and child health services, Bal Raksha Bharat, a leading child welfare organization, has successfully trained over 167 Anganwadi Workers, Asha Sanginis, and ANMs in Uttar Pradesh’s Shravasti district. The training focused on the utilization of Poshan Tracker, E-Kawach Application, and documentation and reporting of Triple Burden Cases, aiming to improve the efficiency of measuring Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) and Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) cases.

The concerted efforts in capacity-building have yielded remarkable results, with the measurement efficiency rate surging from 92.77% in June 2023 to an impressive 98.11% by January 2024. Notably, 95 out of 177 Anganwadi Centers have achieved a commendable 100% measurement efficiency, highlighting the tangible impact of targeted training initiatives on healthcare service delivery.
The success can be attributed to the implementation of the ‘Strengthening Aspirational Block Program’ by Bal Raksha Bharat, which has directly benefited over 28,000 children in the Jamunaha Block, identified as a NITI Aayog aspirational block. This program aims to extend access to government services and further improve nutritional outcomes, particularly in aspirational districts like Shravasti.

Congratulating the organization on its impactful endeavors, Smt. Sarneet Kaur Broca, IAS, Director ICDS, Uttar Pradesh, emphasized the importance of adopting a strategic approach to promote nutrition and healthy choices among children. She lauded Bal Raksha Bharat’s dedication and effectiveness in driving meaningful change, emphasizing the significant surge in measurement efficiency witnessed through their association.

Sudarshan Suchi, CEO of Bal Raksha Bharat, reiterated the organization’s mission to ensure that every child in the Jamunaha Block has access to adequate nutrition for a healthy and sustainable life. The ‘Strengthening Aspirational Block Program’ aims to streamline data management and ensure efficient monitoring of nutritional interventions. Frontline healthcare providers have received training on documentation and reporting procedures for cases burdened by triple health challenges.

Furthermore, Suchi emphasized the alignment of this program with Bal Raksha Bharat’s broader goal of preventing child deaths due to preventable causes before their fifth birthday. The initiative has capacitated frontline workers in utilizing Poshan Tracker and E-Kawach Application, in addition to documentation and reporting practices for triple burden cases.

Bal Raksha Bharat’s efforts resonate with the government’s mission to strengthen health, nutrition, and well-being among marginalized children and families. Through data-driven interventions and community engagement, the organization aims to address various factors contributing to illnesses and undernutrition among infants and young children. Their vision remains steadfast: to create a future where every child can thrive.

Established across 15 states and three Union Territories of India, Bal Raksha Bharat works tirelessly on issues related to education, health, protection, and humanitarian/DRR needs of children, particularly those who are the most deprived and marginalized. Their holistic approach underscores their commitment to ensuring the well-being of every child in the nation.