Sanskriti Sannivesh, a cultural programme organised by Human Touch Foundation, a registered NGO based in Greater Noida, was successfully held on 3rd September, 2024, at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The event opened with the lighting of the ceremonial lamp by Chief Guest Former President of India, Ram Nath Kovind, Mrs Savita Kovind, Ms Swati Kovind, Dr Upasana Singh, Founder of Human Touch Foundation, Dr Ojesh Pratap Singh, renowned Hindustani vocalist.

The curtains raised to the performance of Natya-Katha KRSHNA by Dr Sonal Mansingh, Former Rajya Sabha Member and Padma Vibhushan awardee. It was a display of erudite abhinaya and narration of episodes from Lord Krishna’s life spanning from his childhood as one who stole butter and playfully harassed the gopis, to his goading villagers to worship the mountain Govardhan, which ultimately served as a shelter when lifted by Krishna on his little finger to save the inhabitants of Gokul from the incessant heavy rains let loose by the wrath of Lord Indra.

Challenging the dreaded Kaliya nag, slaying his maternal uncle Kansa in Mathura, and finally moving to the city of Dwaraka. The performance ended with the famous episode of Lord Krishna meeting Sudama, his childhood friend. These telling episodes are timeless and replete with messages of duty, friendship and total trust in the ‘Almighty’.

Dr Sonal Mansingh, resplendent in her inimitable style, held sway over the audience, who watched mesmerised, her emotive prowess, as she weaved the narrations singing popular bhajans, poems and shalokas in Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Oriya and English, bringing alive the grandeur of the episodes with brilliance, wit and crisp interludes of dance by her disciples enhancing the overall appeal of the entire performance. Screen projections of beautiful miniatures relevant to the flow of the narrative added to visual richness and delight, while vocal and instrumental support by the accompanists added to the ethereal presentation of the Natya-Katha KRSHNA.

Under the aegis of Human Touch Foundation, “Sanskriti Sannivesh”, the cultural wing of the Foundation organises cultural events such as music and dance performances for promoting India’s rich cultural heritage and spread awareness and pride in the Indian traditions for social transformation. Under the leadership of Dr Upasana Singh, the Foundation, has for been relentlessly working for nearly two decades towards resolving these impediments, to accelerate the pace of India’s vision for equitable growth and collective prosperity.