A view of the sea

Top 10 Longest Living Animals On Earth You Must Know

Immortal Jellyfish is the longest-living animal in the world also it is the only species on Earth that can live an eternal life.

Basal Animals are made up of colonies of animals, similar to corals, and can also live for thousands of years.

Ocean Quahog can live over 500 years the oldest known lived for 507 years.

Greenland Sharks can live up to 400-5oo years and they can grow to be 24 feet (7.3 meters) long.

Rougheye rockfish is one of the longest-living fish, with a maximum life span of at least 200 years.

Bowhead whales are the longest-living mammals and  they comfortably live over 100 years and may live more than 200 years.

Tortoises are famed for their longevity, and they can live up to 190 years.

 Saltwater crocodiles can normally live for over 70 years but records of two especially long-lived crocs suggest they can live to over 120 years.

Red Sea Urchins can live to be 100 years old, and some may reach 200 years or more.

Macaws are the longest living type of parrot and are known for outliving their owners. While their average lifespan is 50 years, it is not uncommon for a Macaw to live 80 to 100 years.

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