A view of the sea

Survivors of the Brink: 10 Species That Overcame Near Extinction

The California Condor, once nearing extinction with only 22 left, has seen its numbers rise thanks to captive breeding and reintroduction efforts

The Bald Eagle, once endangered due to DDT pesticide, has made a remarkable recovery thanks to DDT bans and conservation efforts

The American Bison, once near extinction, has recovered thanks to conservation and reintroduction efforts

The Peregrine Falcon, severely affected by DDT, has made a strong comeback through captive breeding and habitat protection

The Giant Panda, a symbol of conservation success, has seen its numbers rise through habitat protection and captive breeding efforts

The Sea Otter, once hunted to near extinction, has rebounded thanks to conservation efforts

The American Alligator, once endangered due to overhunting, has recovered through strict regulations and conservation efforts

The Grey Wolf, once nearly extinct due to hunting, has returned to some of its former ranges through reintroduction programs

The Arabian Oryx, once extinct in the wild, has been reintroduced through captive breeding efforts

The Black-footed Ferret, once believed extinct, has made a comeback through captive breeding and reintroduction efforts

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