Mystical Blooms: Black Flowers That Thrive in Winter
Black flowers, rare symbols of mystery and elegance, are not truly black but dark-hued. They flourish in cool conditions, blooming in winter or early spring
Black Hellebore (Helleborus niger)Known as the 'Christmas Rose,' it blooms in late winter with deep purple-black petals, thriving in cold climates
Queen of Night Tulip (Tulipa 'Queen of Night') This deep maroon tulip, almost black, blooms in spring or earlier in mild winters
Black Viola (Viola cornuta 'Molly Sanderson')Frost-hardy with dark purple-black blooms, it flowers in late winter in temperate regions
Black Calla Lily (Zantedeschia 'Black Star')With dark purple-black spathes, it blooms in winter in greenhouse or indoor conditions
Black Pansy (Viola tricolor var. hortensis 'Black Beauty')Cold-tolerant, nearly jet-black flowers that bloom from late fall into winter in milder climates