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8.09 Billion: World Population Milestone on New Year’s Day

The global population will reach 8.09 billion on New Year's Day 2024, with an increase of over 71 million people, according to U.S. Census Bureau estimates

The world population grew by 0.9% in 2024, with an increase of 71 million. By January 2025, 4.2 births and 2.0 deaths are expected per second

The U.S. population grew by 2.6 million in 2024, reaching 341 million on New Year's Day, according to the Census Bureau

In 2025, the U.S. population will grow by one person every 21.2 seconds, driven by births, deaths, and migration

The U.S. population has grown by 9.7 million people (2.9%) in the 2020s so far, compared to a 7.4% growth in the 2010s, the lowest rate since the 1930s

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