Ukraine officials claimed that Russia launched a large-scale drone attack on Friday resulting in fatalities and damage. As per the Ukraine’s Interior Ministry, the attack reportedly killed two civillians in the central Kviv region along with wounding several others. Both commericial and residential buildings faced damage including a multistory residential structure.

On the ther side, the defense ministry of Russia stated that they have shot down about 120 Ukrainian drones over a dozon regions including Moscow. However, unlike Ukraine, no casualitites were reported in Russia.

The newly elected president of United States Donald Trump weighed in the unfortunate situation and ased for a dicussion with teh Russian President Vladimr Putin in an attempt to advocate an end to the ongoing war going on for three years now. Speaking via video during the World Economic Forum in Davos, the war was described as “horrible” by Trump, who said, “Millions of young lives are being wasted.” He added, “Ukraine is ready to make a deal,” although peace talks have yet to begin. Reduction of global oil prices through a move by Saudi Arabia and OPEC could serve to reduce Russia’s revenues, so Trump said. “If the price comes down, the war in Ukraine will end immediately,” Trump said, urging an end to the war.

The Kremlin did not indicate any change in its position. Spokesman Dmitry Peskov rejected Trump’s proposals as “familiar,” saying, “He likes these methods, at least he liked them during his first presidency.” Peskov added that Russia remains open to “mutually respectful dialogue” with the U.S. under Trump’s second term.