Diljit Dosanjh had recently performed in Bengaluru. There was an unexpected controversy brewing as a fan shared the experience of being criticised for her outfit during the concert. Muskan Madaan, one of the attendees of the show, posted on Instagram that people made her feel uncomfortable because of her clothing. The post has since brought attention and sparked a conversation about body shaming and judgmental attitudes towards fashion choices.
Muskan, who attended the concert with friends of friends, said that things turned uncomfortable when some members of the group started discussing her short dress. Though she initially dismissed it, Muskan was sure that the conversation was about her outfit when she overheard more comments. She remembered the discomfort she felt when her friends started taking pictures of her, which only fuelled the judgment on her sartorial choice.
In her video post, Muskan shared how criticism had not affected her confidence. “I was carrying it really confidently,” she said while pointing out that her parents supported her wearing a short dress. Muskan further voiced her frustration with people criticising her outfit, adding that these people were educated professionals holding corporate jobs but whose judgment was far from progressive.
Diljit Dosanjh had held a concert in Bengaluru that was part of his continuing “Dil-Luminati” India Tour, which had begun in Delhi in November. It had already performed in the cities of Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Pune, Kolkata, and Indore, among others, and was scheduled to continue to do so in Chandigarh, Guwahati, and Mumbai. While the performance went well with the audiences, Muskan‘s incident brought out how social standards keep making judgments on fashion and style for people.
The case of Muskan is very important for personal freedom and societal judgment. In her post, she questioned why people needed to criticise her choices and emphasised that people should accept different expressions of style. Since fashion is a part of self-expression, it is important for people to support each other in their choices without fear of judgment.
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