Humanity has long been intrigued by questions concerning what happens after death—whether there is heaven, hell, or something else. While nothing is ever a definitive answer, many people who have had near-death experiences speak of seeing something of the afterlife. While some are believable to many people, others make people skeptical.

Sharon Milliman is a 62-year-old woman who has reportedly cheated death four times. Her first experience was when she was 13 years old, swimming with her mother. She suddenly began to drown and claims to have felt her soul rise above her body as it sank. Despite not experiencing fear or pain, she was saved by lifeguards and revived with CPR.

Her second near-death experience happened at 43 years old when she was hit by lightning. While in the hospital, Milliman again felt her soul ascend, and when she regained consciousness, she felt dazed. The third incident occurred during surgery, and the fourth after a medication error.

In these experiences, Milliman describes being enveloped by a warm light, which grew larger as it approached. She felt herself being carried to heaven, surrounded by pink and golden clouds. She also recalls seeing a golden book with unfamiliar writing and meeting Jesus multiple times. Throughout her experiences, she encountered many guides and was offered delightful food.