A disturbing video has again gone viral of two men stopping a self-driving car and attempting to extract the telephone number of a woman in the car. The event, that occurred some time back, involves a lady who gets locked inside an American self-driving service Waymo. The event has brought in considerable discussion about the safety of women, calling it a debate of “Man vs bear”.
In the video, two men stand before the car and keep gesturing into the car asking for her number, despite her pleading that says “No, move,” but they continue to block the road, stopping the movement of the vehicle. Eventually, they left when she screamed at them to move away. She was in the front passenger seat at the time of the terrifying incident.
Watch the video:
Waymo spokesperson Julia Ilina commented on the incident, saying, “In a situation like this, our riders have 24/7 access to Rider Support agents who will help them navigate the situation in real time and coordinate closely with law enforcement officers to provide further assistance as needed.”
The video has gone viral on social media, with users expressing anger at the men’s behavior. One person commented, “There should be an automatic safety feature that immediately sends the dash cam video to the nearest police station and reports it as an attempted kidnapping in progress. Guys would never try it again.” Another wrote, “They saw she was trapped and went for it.”. Super nice guys.” A third commenter said, “The fact they don’t even care about being on camera just shows how much they know they won’t get s**t for it either.”
You yell at a bear and it goes away,” said a user referring to the viral social trend. Another commented, “Ya see, a bear wouldn’t do that,” drawing an analogy to the “Man vs bear” trend that went viral months ago. The latter was about asking women which they would feel safer encountering in the wild: a man or a bear, with the widespread fear over the safety of women ironically reflected by most participants choosing the bear over the man.