A heartwarming video that has captured the attention of many, Avi Krishna Natesan, an Instagram user and origami enthusiast, has touched hearts with a simple yet meaningful gesture. While riding in an Uber auto rickshaw, Avi discovered the driver’s passion for flowers during their conversation. To brighten his day, she crafted a red paper rose and presented it to him.

The video shows Avi skillfully folding the paper into a delicate rose while chatting with the driver. His reaction—a warm smile and genuine surprise—adds a touching element to the clip. The driver, moved by the gesture, places the handmade flower inside his vehicle next to a Ganesh idol.

Avi shared her thoughts along with the video, saying, “This was such a wholesome ride! We had a whole conversation on farming and how he really identifies with nature and how it’s his passion. Luckily I had a few coloured sheets of A4 paper and made this cute little rose. It’s just something small, didn’t think much, but his reaction was soooo cute (wish I had more time to make a stem and all).”

Since being posted, the video has garnered over 240,000 views and numerous likes and comments. Viewers have expressed their appreciation, with one user commenting, “He’s going to keep that for the rest of his life. Think about when a nice customer listened to his hopes and dreams and handmade him a flower.” Another added, “Small gestures like these make big differences.”

Avi, who is also known for her intricate origami designs, regularly shares her craft on Instagram, spreading joy through her paper creations.