Relationships thrive on mutual cooperation and assistance, even in seemingly simple tasks. However, some individuals are unwilling to help their partner, leading to relationship issues. This was illustrated in a confession story shared by a woman on Twitter.

The woman, whose name remains undisclosed, expressed her concerns about various dissatisfactions with her boyfriend. They plan to marry by the end of the year and are already living together. Initially, she managed cooking and cleaning, but over time, she noticed her boyfriend’s reluctance to help at home, even refusing to wash his dishes. She acknowledged his hard work at his job but felt like a maid at home. Their frequent arguments over unwashed dishes have left her feeling exhausted. “I don’t know how to approach him”, she added.

The woman fears that their routine might worsen after marriage. Working full-time, she sought advice on social media about resolving this issue. Another problem is her partner’s reluctance to spend money on expensive food. She loves dining out but usually does so with her family. Her mother always reminded her that food should not be a matter of penny-pinching. She mentioned, “I’ve never asked him to take me out to a fancy dinner. In fact, I only asked him to get me snacks, and even then he said he doesn’t want to waste money on it.”

Despite agreeing that her boyfriend would pay the rent while she covers other bills, his attitude towards spending remains a concern. With their wedding approaching, she is unsure how to address these issues with her boyfriend.