A 40-year-old woman died on Thursday afternoon after reportedly jumping from the elevated platform at Uttam Nagar West Metro station. The incident occurred at approximately 11:36 am, as shown by CCTV footage. The woman had entered the station at 10:56 am before leaping onto the street below.

She was quickly transported to Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital in Hari Nagar, where she was declared dead on arrival. The cause of death is still under investigation, pending the results of her post-mortem report.

Police have identified the woman and revealed that she had been struggling with depression for the past four to five years and was undergoing treatment for her mental health. The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) has not provided any comment on the incident, referring it to be a law-and-order matter.

The incident highlights the critical need for increased mental health support and resources, emphasizing the importance of addressing mental health challenges effectively.