Indian all-rounder Hardik Pandya has confirmed his separation from his wife, Natasa Stankovic. While the announcement surprised many fans, it was not entirely unexpected given the ongoing rumors about their split. Speculation intensified when Natasa removed all her wedding photos from Instagram and dropped Pandya from her surname. Additionally, Hardik’s failure to wish Natasa on her birthday further fueled the rumors that their relationship was troubled.

In an emotional Instagram post, Hardik revealed that he and Natasa have decided to part ways for their mutual well-being and confirmed that they will co-parent their son, Agastya. Hardik proposed to Natasa on January 20, 2020, and they reportedly married in May of the same year. Their son Agastya was born on July 30, 2020.

“This was a tough decision for us to make, given the joy, mutual respect, and companionship we enjoyed together as we grew a family,” Hardik wrote on Instagram. “We are blessed with Agastya, who will continue to be at the center of both our lives, and we will co-parent to ensure that we give him everything that we can for his happiness. We sincerely request your support and understanding to give us the privacy during this difficult and sensitive time,” he added.

Amidst the separation news, rumors circulated that Hardik Pandya might have to give up 70 percent of his net worth to Natasa. As of 2024, Hardik’s total net worth is reported to be INR 91 crore. However, there is no clear information about Natasa’s financial demands or the terms of their separation agreement. In a 2018 interview, Hardik mentioned that 50 percent of his property is registered under his mother’s name, suggesting he might not need to part with a substantial portion of his assets. “I said I don’t trust myself; I won’t take it in my name. I don’t want to give 50% to anyone in the future. 50% will bother me a lot. It’s better to take it in your name; 50% will be safe,” Hardik had stated.

Nevertheless, Natasa could still seek maintenance from Pandya under Indian laws.