Dua Lipa recently captivated Mumbai fans with a surprise performance of her hit song Levitating mixed with Bollywood legend Shah Rukh Khan’s iconic track Woh Ladki Jo from Baadshah. This mashup quickly became the talk of the town, with social media flooded by videos celebrating her live performance. However, the mashup also sparked controversy, particularly with Jay Bhattacharya, son of ace singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya, who voiced his dissatisfaction with how the media neglected his father’s contribution to the song.
Jay took to Instagram to express his frustration, writing, “The problem is that no one talks about it. What happened to Woh Ladki Jo—Abhijeet? Unfortunately, we live in a country where not one news outlet or Instagram page has mentioned the voice and the artists of this song. Why has it always been about actors in this country? I’m sure when @dualipa heard this song she must have heard it and not seen it and not appreciated the man that has sung this song and yes, it is not SRK.”
He continued, “It is @abhijeetbhattacharya and @anumalikmusic. I’m sorry but this song is called Woh Ladki Jo sabse alag hai—Abhijeet wherever you search it. But somehow the media in this country never lets a singer get his due and then people ask me why don’t you try and sing for Bollywood. This is not about Shah Rukh Khan. I am his biggest fan ever. This is about our audience and our media who don’t support the singers of our country like they do in the West.”
While Jay expressed his displeasure, Dua Lipa continued her tour, having an unforgettable experience in Mumbai. She shared her gratitude with her fans, saying, “Thank you Mumbai!!!!! off to our next and FINAL stop of the Asia run… SEOUL!!!!!” Dua also posted behind-the-scenes moments, including images from the concert and a boat ride from the Gateway of India.
The performance of Levitating x Woh Ladki Jo became a major highlight of her concert, and even Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter, Suhana Khan, couldn’t contain her excitement. She posted a video clip of the performance on her Instagram stories with dancing and goofy emojis, expressing her appreciation for the mashup.
Dua Lipa’s recent visit to India marks her third time in the country, following her 2019 performance and a vacation in Rajasthan earlier this year.
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