Ghaziabad Police have initiated an inquiry into YouTuber Shikha Metray, also known as Kuwari Begum, following allegations of sharing explicit content and promoting methods of sexually abusing infants.

Who is Kuwari Begum?

Kuwari Begum, known as Shikha Metray, is a gamer from Ghaziabad who runs a YouTube channel under the same name. On her channel, she streams her gameplay and interacts with viewers about various topics, including relationships, gaming, and societal issues. She also produces videos covering a wide array of subjects.

What is the complaint against Shikha Metra?

An FIR was lodged on June 12, based on a complaint by activist Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj, who highlighted Metray’s problematic content on X (formerly Twitter) and demanded police action against the YouTuber.

Bhardwaj’s complaint specifically referenced a video titled ‘She will say no. Let her’ on Metray’s YouTube channel, accusing her of suggesting that men should disregard women’s consent and endorsing sexually aggressive behavior towards women and children. Bhardwaj alleged that Metray’s content leads to the misguidance of young boys.

After discovering the channel, Bhardwaj shared clips from Metray’s videos on X, urging authorities to remove the content and take action against the self-proclaimed gamer for promoting sexual offenses against children.

The videos quickly sparked outrage on social media, resulting in a significant backlash against Kuwari Begum.

Further investigation by social media users revealed that Metray is a graduate of the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) Delhi and is involved in a clothing and apparel business.

Amidst mounting criticism, Metray appears to have either deleted or deactivated her social media accounts. At present, her YouTube and Instagram profiles are inaccessible.

The police investigation into the matter is ongoing.