Pulkit Chitkara, a content creator from Delhi known for his hilarious antics, recently took social media by storm with his latest prank. In the now-viral video, Chitkara placed a bottle of whisky in the middle of a busy Delhi road to test whether passersby would stop and pick it up. What unfolded in the clip has both surprised and amused netizens, garnering millions of views and comments.
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The video begins with the whisky bottle sitting inconspicuously on the road, seemingly ignored by commuters driving cars and scooters. However, within minutes, a Maruti Suzuki pulls up beside the bottle, and the driver opens the door to grab the alcohol. As he does so, Chitkara yells at the driver, revealing the prank. The men in the car quickly close their windows, embarrassed after realizing they were being filmed. Undeterred, the driver nonchalantly picks up the bottle and drives away, adding an unexpected twist to the prank.
Social Media Reactions: Laughter and Criticism
Since its release, the video has racked up close to four million views on social media, with viewers expressing a mix of surprise and amusement. Many users flooded the comments with witty remarks, while others raised concerns over the prank’s potential consequences.
One commenter joked, “And they say they don’t drive carefully in India,” while another asked humorously, “Which brand bottle did you keep?” Some, however, took a more critical stance, with one user noting, “While I’m all in for these jokes, but who takes accountability if the glass bottle breaks? Will you pick up the glass shreds or just conveniently close your phone and leave? Think again before your pranks, please.”
Despite the mixed reactions, the video continues to gain attention, adding to Chitkara’s growing reputation as a creative prankster who knows how to captivate his audience.