In a significant operation, the Kalyan unit of the Thane Crime Branch, Maharashtra, arrested three individuals and seized 5.6 kg of ambergris, also known as whale vomit, valued at ₹6.20 crore, police officials confirmed on Saturday. Ambergris is a rare and highly sought-after substance used in luxury perfume manufacturing, making it a target for illegal trade.

Accused Nabbed in Smuggling Operation

The arrested individuals have been identified as Anil Bhosale, Ankush Shankar Mali, and Laxman Shankar Patil. Acting on a tip-off, the crime branch launched a search operation after learning that the accused were attempting to smuggle the ambergris from Pipeline Road to Badlapur in a car. The swift action led to their arrest and the subsequent recovery of the illicit ambergris.

Ongoing Investigation

The three suspects have been remanded to police custody until Tuesday, according to authorities. The investigation into the case is ongoing, with officials looking into further details of the smuggling operation and possible accomplices.

Ambergris smuggling is illegal under the Wildlife Protection Act, and the substance’s trade is strictly prohibited due to its rarity and conservation concerns related to sperm whales.