A 24-year-old man named Vikas Dubey from Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh, reportedly suffered a snake bite for the seventh time in 40 days. Concerning the incident, Chief Medical Officer Rajiv Nayan Giri stated that the victim has sought financial assistance from authorities.

“The victim approached the Collectorate and expressed his distress, mentioning he has spent considerable funds on treating snake bites and now seeks financial aid from the authorities. I advised him to visit a government hospital where he can receive anti-snake venom treatment free of cost,” Mr. Giri told news agency ANI on Friday.

He further remarked on the unusual nature of the situation where a person gets bitten by a snake every Saturday.

“We need to ascertain whether it is indeed a snake bite. We also need to assess the competence of the treating doctor. It is peculiar that the individual is bitten every Saturday, admitted to the same hospital each time, and reportedly recovers within a day,” he remarked.

The Chief Medical Officer added that a team of three doctors has been formed to investigate the matter.

“We have formed a team to investigate the case thoroughly, and once we have the findings, we will inform the public of the facts,” he stated.

Officials noted that each time Vikas Dubey was bitten by a snake, he was promptly taken to the hospital and recovered after receiving treatment.