In a heart-wrenching incident, a young man from Delhi, originally from Nawada in Greater Noida, lost his life on Saturday night when his car caught fire in Ghazipur. The victim, Anil, was on his way to distribute wedding invitations when the tragedy occurred.
Groom’s Wedding Plans End in Tragedy
Anil, who was set to marry on February 14, was driving his Wagon R near Baba Banquet Hall when the vehicle became engulfed in flames. Despite frantic attempts to reach him, the blaze claimed his life. Videos showing the car ablaze have surfaced online, adding to the gravity of the incident.
Anil’s elder brother, Sumit, shared that the family grew concerned when Anil did not return home by evening. “We tried calling him, but his phone was switched off. Around 11:30 pm, the police informed us about the accident and said Anil was in the hospital,” Sumit said.
VIDEO | Car catches fire on Delhi-Meerut expressway near Ghazipur. More details awaited.
(Full video available on PTI Videos –
— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) January 17, 2025
Yogesh, Anil’s brother-in-law, expressed his grief, stating, “Anil worked with me and was engaged to marry my sister on February 14. We received the tragic news late last night, but the cause of the fire remains unknown.” Anil’s body has been sent for a post-mortem examination, and authorities are investigating the incident further.
Separate Incident Highlights Rising Car Fire Concerns
In an unrelated case, a parking dispute in Delhi’s Lajpat Nagar led to another vehicle fire last month. The accused, Rahul Bhasin, reportedly set his neighbor Ranjeet Chauhan’s car ablaze following a heated argument. The act was caught on CCTV, and investigations are ongoing.
These incidents highlight the devastating consequences of vehicle fires and the grief they leave behind for families and communities.