Radhika Merchant celebrated her first birthday as a member of the Ambani family, surrounded by close friends and relatives. Her 30th birthday party took place at Antilia, the lavish Mumbai residence of the Ambanis, on Wednesday night. For the occasion, Radhika chose a white silk halter top paired with a red skirt. Mukesh and Nita Ambani, along with Shloka Mehta, Akash Ambani, Isha Ambani, Anand Piramal, Radhika’s parents, and her sister Anjali Merchant, were also present at the celebration.
The event featured guests such as Janhvi Kapoor, MS Dhoni, Ananya Panday, Suhana and Aryan Khan, Orry, Ranveer Singh, among others, alongside the Ambani and Merchant families.
Also Read: Inside Radhika Merchant’s Glam Birthday Bash: Cake, Dance, And Ambani Celebrations
A video shared on Instagram by Orry, who also provided other glimpses of the celebration, captures Radhika’s cake-cutting ceremony. In the video, the birthday girl is seen cutting a red cake while her loved ones cheer her on. She then offers a slice to her husband, Anant Ambani.
Radhika also extended the cake to other family members, as per tradition. While Mukesh Ambani, chairman of Reliance Industries, and Radhika’s parents, Shaila and Viren Merchant, accepted a piece, Akash Ambani, her brother-in-law, politely declined the cake she offered.
Akash’s reason for refusing the cake turned out to be a thoughtful gesture. As seen in the video, he directed Radhika to offer the cake first to the family matriarch, Kokilaben Ambani. He also called his maternal grandmother, Poornima Dalal, to step forward and take part in the cake-cutting.
Radhika tied the knot with Anant Ambani, son of Mukesh Ambani, in a grand wedding on July 12. This birthday marks her first as an Ambani daughter-in-law.
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