A CCTV footage from Ramnagar colony, Ajmer, has surfaced, showing two monkeys viciously attacking a woman sitting on her porch. Shared widely on April 16 by @bewar_live_news, the video depicts the monkeys sneaking up behind the woman and aggressively pulling her hair, causing her to almost fall off her chair. The shocking incident, which saw the woman’s plate crashing to the ground, has garnered significant attention online with 98,682 likes so far.
Netizens have expressed shock and concern over this incident, with reactions ranging from disbelief to humor. One user speculated humorously, “Looks like aunty must have pulled the monkey’s tail so monkeys are taking revenge,” while another commented, “Monkeys know which mother-in-law annoys daughter-in-laws. 🤷 Hail Bajrang Bali.”
The video has spurred conversations on safety precautions in residential areas vulnerable to encounters between wildlife and humans, while Ajmer authorities have not yet commented on the event.
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