A tragic incident unfolded in Lonavala near Mumbai as a family of seven, holidaying in the hill station, was swept away by gushing waters while picnicking at a waterfall near the backwaters of the Bhusi Dam. The incident, which occurred around 1:30 pm, has claimed three lives so far, with search and rescue operations set to resume at daybreak today.
According to reports, the family, like many other tourists visiting the hill town during the monsoons, had gone for a picnic at the waterfall. Heavy rains throughout the day caused the dam to overflow, intensifying the water flow at the waterfall. Terrifying visuals captured the family’s last moments, standing on a rock amidst the raging falls, desperately holding on to each other as they attempted to move against the strong current.
In less than a minute, the force of the rushing water overwhelmed them, sweeping them downstream as onlookers on the banks shouted for help. Despite efforts by other tourists to assist, the swift currents made rescue attempts impossible.
Local authorities, along with police personnel, quickly responded to the scene, initiating search operations using ropes and trekking gear. Initial reports suggest that the tourists slipped on mossy boulders at the base of the falls and were carried away by the powerful water currents.
The incident has raised concerns about security arrangements at the waterfall and downstream at the Bhusi Dam. A purported video from the area showed tourists sitting on the dam’s edge, with food stalls visible amid the flowing water. Questions have been raised about the lack of security measures to prevent tourists from venturing into potentially dangerous areas.
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