Tushar Saxena, a journalist from Rampur, Uttar Pradesh, was surprised to receive a Rs 1,000 fine from the Noida police for allegedly driving without a helmet. The fine notification came via text message, leaving Saxena baffled as he resides over 200 kilometers away from Noida and does not recall any such incident.

A Misunderstanding Over Helmet Requirement

According to NDTV, the fine was issued for a supposed helmet violation, which Saxena finds confusing because helmets are not a standard requirement for car drivers. The challan, issued last November, has since prompted multiple follow-ups from the authorities through emails and additional messages. The Noida police have warned Saxena that failure to pay the fine could result in a court appearance.

Saxena, who purchased his white Hyundai in March last year, has expressed disbelief at the fine. “If you are violating traffic rules, then it is common to receive a fine but that is not my case. I have never driven my car to the NCR area. And if there’s any rule that says we have to wear a helmet inside a car, then the authorities must give this to me in writing,” Saxena told NDTV.

Previous Incidents of Misplaced Fines

This incident is not an isolated case. In June, Bahadur Singh Parihar, president of the Jhansi Truckers’ Union, received a fine of Rs 1,000 for allegedly driving an Audi without a helmet. The challan incorrectly listed the vehicle as a two-wheeler while referring to it as a “motor car.” Parihar chose to wear a helmet while driving to avoid further fines and was advised by RTO officials to wait for a resolution post-Lok Sabha elections.

A similar mistake occurred in Bharatpur, Rajasthan, in 2017, where a man was fined for not wearing a helmet while driving his Maruti Omni minivan. These incidents highlight an ongoing issue with traffic fines and enforcement.