Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who now reigns supreme in Hindi cinema, began his career with modest roles. One of his early appearances was in the film In Which Annie Gives It Those Ones, written by renowned author and activist Arundhati Roy. An old video of SRK from this film has recently surfaced online, showcasing him in a groundbreaking gay character role.

Plot and Production

The film, directed by Pradip Kishen (Arundhati Roy’s former husband), is set against the backdrop of the late 1970s in Delhi. It follows the story of Anand Grover/Annie, played by Arjun Raina, who is an idealistic student envisioning utopian solutions for India’s challenges. Arundhati Roy herself appears in the role of Radha, Anand’s girlfriend. The film also features notable actors such as Roshan Seth, Rituraj Singh, and Manoj Bajpayee in various roles.


Critical Acclaim

Released in 1989, In Which Annie Gives It Those Ones earned significant recognition, winning two National Awards. Arundhati Roy received the award for Best Screenplay, while the film won Best Feature Film in English, awarded to Pradip Kishen.

From TV Debut to Stardom

The film career of Shah Rukh Khan began with minor roles, but he had already made his television debut a year prior with the serial Fauji. He later appeared in Umeed and Wagle Ki Duniya before leading in Aziz Mirza’s Circus. His early roles paved the way for his eventual rise to global stardom.

Current Projects

Today, Shah Rukh Khan is not only a celebrated movie star but also a successful entrepreneur, with ventures including his production company Red Chillies Entertainment and the Kolkata Knight Riders IPL team, which recently won the IPL title. His upcoming film King, which will also feature his daughter Suhana Khan, is highly anticipated, following her debut in the streaming series The Archies.

This vintage footage highlights the remarkable journey of Shah Rukh Khan from his early acting days to becoming one of the most influential figures in the film industry.