In a unique turn of events, Faizal Nisar, also known as Faizan, was granted bail by the Madhya Pradesh High Court with a set of unusual conditions. The man, who was allegedly seen shouting “Pakistan Zindabad, India Murdabad” in a viral video, is now required to salute the Indian national flag and raise the slogan ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’ as part of his bail conditions.
The High Court of Madhya Pradesh, based in Jabalpur, granted Nisar bail on October 15. In addition to furnishing a personal bond of Rs 50,000 and a solvent surety of the same amount, the court imposed specific conditions for his release. Nisar is required to report to Misrod Police Station in Bhopal on the 1st and 4th Tuesday of every month between 10 AM and 12 PM. As part of his bail terms, he must salute the national flag 21 times and shout the patriotic slogan ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai.’
The court’s directive came after Faizal Nisar was involved in a case where he was allegedly filmed shouting anti-India slogans. The unusual bail conditions aim to instill a sense of patriotism while the trial continues.
ALSO READ: Bail Conditions: ‘Pak Zindabad’ Accused Must Proclaim ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ 21 Times Before The Flag
The Madhya Pradesh High Court’s decision highlights a balance between granting freedom on bail and reinforcing nationalistic duties. The bail order stipulates that Nisar must continue these acts of patriotism until the trial concludes, marking a unique approach to law enforcement and civic responsibility.
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