In a startling incident, Marathi filmmaker Swapna Waghmare Joshi narrowly escaped a burglary at her Mumbai residence, thanks to her alert pet. The entire episode was captured by CCTV cameras inside her 6th-floor apartment in Andheri West’s Lokhandwala Complex.
The footage reveals a thief scaling the building’s exterior and entering through an open window. Once inside, the intruder began searching for valuables and eventually found the filmmaker’s daughter’s purse, containing ₹6,000. However, before he could take anything else, the family’s pet sensed his presence and raised an alarm.
Startled by the noise, the thief quickly retraced his steps, escaping through the same window he had entered. The shocking video shows him leaping out, using the building’s pipes to descend rapidly.
Following the incident, Filmmaker Swapna Waghmare Joshi promptly filed a complaint with the Amboli police. The video has since been shared widely on social media, with many expressing their shock and concern.
The video, which has garnered over 1.4 lakh views and nearly 1,000 likes, has prompted an outpouring of comments. Instagram users expressed their disbelief, with one saying, “This is shocking! Take Care, Tai,” while another added, “What the hell… this is so scary.”
Filmmaker Ashoke Pandit, a friend of Joshi, shared the video on social media, urging people to be vigilant, especially senior citizens who live alone. He also highlighted the complacency of some security personnel, emphasizing the need for heightened security awareness.
Swapna Waghmare Joshi, known for her work on television serials and films such as Rang Badalti Odhani and Tula Kalnnaar Nahi, is now urging others to take precautions to prevent similar incidents.
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