The incident occurred in front of the Shirva gram panchayat building on Saturday. A video showing the dog being dragged from St Mary’s Junction towards Manchakal went viral on social media.

Videos of the incident, taken by onlookers, went viral on social media, after which the local administration swung into action. A case has been lodged under BNS Section 325 — mischief by killing or maiming an animal, which cIn a shocking act of animal cruelty, the Shirva police have booked a man for dragging a dog for over a kilometer by tying it behind his either be punished with imprisonment or fine or both, and Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.

The incident occurred between the villages of Mallur and Shirva in Udupi district. Eyewitnesses claimed that the dog, apparently rendered unconscious by the shock, was dragged for a distance of over one kilometer.

Udupi Police arrested the accused—a resident of Mallur village—and registered an FIR under Section 11(1)(D)(F)(G) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960.

The details were confirmed by Dr. Arun, Superintendent of Police, Udupi. “A man from Mallur tied his dog to his scooter with a chain and dragged it. This horrifying act was recorded by bystanders and has since spread widely on social media. We have filed an FIR against the individual under Section 11(1)(D)(F)(G) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960,” he said.

He had claimed that the dog was already dead when he chained it to the scooter, so the authorities are verifying his claims. Further investigation is going on.