The Gurugram Police have acted swiftly in response to a viral video showing dangerous driving stunts by two SUV drivers. The video, which circulated widely on social media, depicted the drivers of a Thar and a Scorpio performing hazardous manoeuvres on the Gurugram-Sohna road, including blocking a bus and nearly colliding with a cyclist.
Rakesh Kumar, the driver of the Scorpio, and Harish Kumar, the driver of the Thar, have both been arrested and their vehicles impounded. An FIR was registered at Badshahpur Police Station, and the police have shared images of the arrested individuals on their X (formerly Twitter) handle.
The incident highlights growing concerns about reckless driving and public safety. In a related case, another video featured a dangerous bike stunt involving a wheelie, which resulted in a serious accident for the passenger. Such incidents underscore the need for increased vigilance and enforcement to prevent similar dangerous behaviour on the roads.