In an unusual turn of events during the Aagman procession, a signal pole unexpectedly obstructed the path, causing a delay in the holy event organized to welcome Lord Ganesha. A viral video on social media shows workers attempting to loosen the traffic light and adjust it to allow the large Ganesh idol to pass through.
As the joyous festival of Ganesh Chaturthi kicks off, social media has been flooded with heartwarming and festive moments. Among the countless posts, one video has stood out and captured the hearts of many—a stray dog named Sheru, who became an unexpected star of the Ganpati Aagman celebrations in 2024.
Sheru, a lovable stray dog living with the Shree Sai Seva Mitra Mandal in Bandra East, Mumbai, made waves online for his enthusiastic participation in the Ganpati Aagman procession. Dressed in vibrant festive attire, Sheru joined devotees as they welcomed Lord Ganpati, adding an extra touch of joy and spirit to the occasion. His adorable presence and involvement made him an instant favorite, as the video of him marching alongside devotees quickly went viral.
The heartwarming video of Sheru has not only showcased the inclusivity of the Ganesh Chaturthi festivities but also highlighted the deep bond that animals share with humans in moments of celebration. Sheru’s participation reminded many of the warmth and love that festivals bring, uniting all beings—human and animal alike—in joyous spirit.
Sheru has now become a symbol of the collective spirit and energy of the festival, reminding everyone that love and celebration are for all, regardless of species.
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