A tragic incident in Kuala Lumpur ended with the disappearance of 48-year-old Vijaya Lakshmi Gali, who fell into an 8-meter-deep sinkhole on August 23. Despite an extensive nine-day search operation, authorities were unable to recover her body, leading to its termination due to safety concerns.

Family’s Emotional Farewell

In a poignant turn of events, Gali’s family, including her husband, son, and sister, visited the site of the sinkhole to perform a final set of rituals. The family conducted a religious ceremony on September 1 before returning to India. The rituals included lighting oil lamps, ringing bells, and collecting soil from the site, in line with traditional Hindu practices.


The Straits Times shared a video documenting the family’s tribute, which includes a montage of visuals showing the harrowing moment Gali fell into the sinkhole and the subsequent rituals performed by her family.

Public Reaction and Tributes

The video has drawn significant public attention, with many expressing their condolences and support for the grieving family. Social media users have shared their sorrow and offered prayers. One individual commented, “The image of their loved one falling and disappearing into that sinkhole and not being able to find her will not give them total closure. Hope time will lessen the pain. May God have mercy on her soul. RIP.”

Another user added, “It’s really sad for the family, the authorities couldn’t get the body even after so many days.” A third remarked, “Traumatic experience for the bereaved family.”

Authorities’ Response and Safety Assurance

The search operation employed various methods, including sniffer dogs and scuba units, but was ultimately unsuccessful. Following the incident, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim assured tourists that Kuala Lumpur remains a safe destination. He confirmed that a study had identified the cause of the sinkhole and assured that measures have been taken to prevent such occurrences in the future.

Gali hailed from Andhra Pradesh, India, and her disappearance has deeply affected both her family and the wider community.