In Mumbai, two Marvel enthusiasts brought a touch of superhero flair to the city’s annual monsoon as they cosplayed as Deadpool and Wolverine from the film “Deadpool & Wolverine.” Aditya and Swaraj Kalebere, dressed as Wolverine and Deadpool respectively, took to the streets despite the heavy rainfall, capturing attention on social media.
“Not even rains can stop the Deadpool & Wolverine duo from entering Mumbai,” Aditya posted on Instagram, accompanied by a photo of him and Swaraj.
In one video, the pair were seen on a bridge, braving the downpour with umbrellas while waving at passing cars, playfully hoping for a ride. “Isn’t it romantic getting wet in the rain together? Deadpool & Wolverine love Mumbai’s rains,” Aditya commented on the video.
Another clip showed the duo sheltering from the rain at a bus stop.
The movie “Deadpool & Wolverine,” featuring Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman, premiered on Friday. The film, which also stars Emma Corrin as Cassandra Nova and Matthew Macfadyen as Paradox, is the sole Marvel-Disney release of the year and the third installment in the “Deadpool” franchise.