Recent heavy rains in Gujarat have led to significant flooding in various districts, including Vadodara, where unusual crocodile sightings have been reported. Footage from the inundated Akota Stadium area shows a crocodile relaxing on the tin roof of a house surrounded by deep water. The video, shared by the Press Trust of India (PTI), captures the reptile lying on its stomach while residents can be heard excitedly discussing the unusual scene off-camera.

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This sighting is part of a pattern observed during floods in Vadodara. Recent visuals also include a crocodile jumping over a boundary wall in a flooded area with a dead dog in its jaws. Another video, though not dated, depicts a crocodile strolling across a lawn.

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The phenomenon has been humorously termed the “Yearly monsoon visit of friendly crocodiles to Vadodara,” a result of the Vishwamitri River flooding into the city. The river’s proximity is a key factor in why so many crocodiles end up in urban areas during heavy rains. The Mahi River also contributes to disruptions in the region.

Gujarat, home to an estimated 1,400 freshwater crocodiles out of about 5,000 in India, faces increased crocodile encounters due to habitat loss caused by expanding human settlements and industrialization. Such incidents have become more common and occasionally result in injuries or deaths.

In response to the ongoing situation, the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a red alert for heavy to very heavy rainfall across the state.