The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has posted a video targeting Atishi Marlena, who was recently named as the new Chief Minister of Delhi. The video uses an artistic 80s Hindi national news television style, complete with sensational sound effects. It features clips of Atishi’s press moments where she speaks about defending individuals perceived as “goons” over supporting the BJP. The BJP portrays Atishi, along with Manish Sisodia and former Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, as “snakes,” with the caption “AAP ke ajgar” (AAP’s pythons).
In the video, BJP suggests that Atishi is a dangerous figure who does not prioritize public issues. One scene shows a woman slapping black ink on Atishi’s name on a Delhi hoarding, implying public disapproval. BJP claims that Atishi’s rise was a calculated move, first positioning her as the AAP MLA for Kalkaji while being prepared for the fallout of the Delhi excise policy scam. They allege that naming Atishi as the new Delhi CM is part of a strategic political plan.
In response, Atishi has maintained that Arvind Kejriwal will return as Chief Minister. She insists that Kejriwal’s resignation was a show of humility after his release from Tihar Jail, despite the Supreme Court not objecting to him staying on as CM. AAP continues to assert its dedication to anti-corruption and public welfare, while accusing BJP of using their power to undermine the Opposition.
Also read: Arvind Kejriwal Submits Resignation as Delhi Chief Minister, Calls for Early Elections
Kejriwal’s resignation was followed by his call for early elections, stating that he would only return as Delhi CM with the public’s support. This ongoing political tussle between BJP and AAP adds a new layer to Delhi’s dynamic political scene.
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