In a tragic incident on Wednesday night, a biker in Bengaluru lost his life after being chased and rammed by a car following an altercation. The event, which escalated from a minor argument into a fatal case of road rage, occurred in the city’s Vidyaranyapura area.
CCTV footage from the area shows the car closely tailing the biker at high speed, navigating through the city’s streets before the fatal collision. The footage highlights the intensity of the chase, culminating in the car striking the motorcycle from behind. The biker sustained severe injuries in the crash and succumbed to them shortly after.
The Bengaluru City police quickly responded to the incident, registering a First Information Report (FIR) and arresting two individuals involved in the case. The authorities have stated that an in-depth investigation is currently underway to determine the full circumstances surrounding the deadly altercation.
This fatal incident is part of a worrying trend of road rage in Bengaluru. Just days before, another road rage episode was reported where a biker violently attacked a couple’s car, despite their pleas that they had a baby inside. The biker, enraged by the couple’s failure to indicate before turning, shattered the car’s windscreen in a dramatic confrontation captured on video. The video went viral on social media, sparking widespread concern.
In that case, too, the Bengaluru police acted swiftly, arresting the biker and initiating a thorough investigation.
These incidents highlight the increasing danger on the roads of Bengaluru, where minor disagreements are turning into serious confrontations, often with devastating consequences. The police are urging the public to remain calm and avoid escalating such situations to prevent further tragedies.
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