A video that has gone viral shows a bear entering a sweets shop in Jot, Chamba district, Himachal Pradesh. Lured by the delectable barfi inside, the bear’s unexpected visit was captured on camera and has quickly garnered significant attention on social media, generating widespread reactions from viewers.


In a similar incident from June, a black bear was filmed at the “Bear Can” concession stand in Anakeesta Mountaintop Adventure Park, Gatlinburg, Tennessee. The video, shared by ABC News on Instagram, shows the bear entering through an employee entrance at around 9:30 p.m. It briefly stood on its hind legs, explored the stand, and snacked on some food before leaving. During its exit, the it accidentally collided with a park worker, causing minor injuries. The worker, who dropped her belongings in the process, managed to shut the store door as she hurried inside. This unusual event, despite the minor disruption, quickly became a hot topic on social media.