Akshay Kumar is currently busy shooting for his upcoming film Jolly LLB 3 alongside Arshad Warsi. The actor has been filming in Mumbai and was recently spotted riding a bike after a shoot. In a video shared by Snehzala, Akshay is seen wearing a yellow tee and green pants, smiling as he interacts with photographers. He also ensured to follow traffic rules by wearing a helmet before hitting the road, which was appreciated by many, evident from the heart emojis in the comments section. The video has since gone viral.
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Earlier, a behind-the-scenes video from the sets of Jolly LLB 3 surfaced on social media, showing Akshay sitting shirtless and enjoying a sunbath. While the video was shared with a caption mentioning him listening to the ‘bajrang ban,’ the authenticity of the video could not be verified by News18 Showsha.
Akshay Kumar began shooting for Jolly LLB 3 in April and shared a fun video from the sets, where he and Arshad Warsi were seen dressed in black robes. The video featured Akshay warning everyone about “Jagdish Tyagi aka Jolly BA LLB Duplicate,” followed by Arshad introducing himself as the “original” Jolly.
The first Jolly LLB film, released in 2013, starred Arshad Warsi and Saurabh Shukla. The sequel, released in 2017, featured Akshay Kumar replacing Arshad Warsi, with Huma Qureshi as his love interest.
In Jolly LLB 3, Akshay Kumar and Arshad Warsi will reportedly be seen in conflicting roles, while Saurabh Shukla will reprise his role as a judge. However, the makers have not officially announced the film’s plot yet.
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