If you are in the mood for some real-life drama, Indian TV news channels are delivering it with the intensity of a soap opera. A video showing Acharya Vikramaditya slapping a Maulana during a debate has recently gone viral, and viewers commented that: “Indian news channels are reaching new heights every day.”
A heated debate on Zee News’ “Taal Thok Ke” turned chaotic when some members of the panel started exchanging blows during the live show. All this in the name of Zakir Naik’s visit to Pakistan, but it turned violent when Acharya Vikramaditya slapped Haziq Khan, an Islamic scholar.
Khan refused to back down; instead, he slapped back hard, and the hosts of the show tried to stop him, shouting, “Nahi nahi, aise nahi!” (Not like this!”).
The sudden eruption of violence in the open arena shocked viewers and created online discussions about sensationalism carried out in Indian news debates.
Zakir Naik is an Indian Islamic orator who is wanted back in India for hate speech and terror-related charges. He has been out of India in exile since 2016. This was his first visit to Malaysia after over three decades.
How was this reaction met online, though?
The comments section was a mixed reaction and said that: “I am sure that both have nothing to do with their religion.”
Further humorously, “Indian news channels are not for novices!!! You require WWE training to deal with these debates nowadays!!!”
Seriously speaking, a second viewer attacked the channel itself: “They really don’t behave like official channels of a country but keep spreading hate 24/7, bringing these dramebaaz religious scholars to create division and negativity among people.”
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