Renowned 3D artist Majid Mousavi, known for his captivating videos blending imagination and reality, has once again captured online attention with a recent thought-provoking clip. This video serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of driving cautiously and adhering to speed limits.
The video starts with a biker speeding on an empty road, attempting to overtake a truck. Moving to the other side, the biker encounters a speeding truck, leading to a sudden halt in the clip. In the next shot, a ghostly figure is seen standing on the roadside. The video then depicts a crash between the biker and the truck driver.
Shared a week ago on Instagram, the post has garnered over 156 million views, 11 million likes, and continues to attract engagement. People flooded the comments section with their reactions:
One person expressed, “Oh my God. I was so scared. I felt that it was me riding the bike and got a mini heart attack.”
Another reacted, “My soul has just left my body! Amazing editing but Jesus actual Christ.”
A third emphasized, “That is why it is important to be careful on the roads. Just because it’s empty doesn’t mean you should be reckless.”
Addressing those who dismissed it as a game, a fourth commenter stated, “This happens in real life too. Better be careful.”
“This gave me a heart attack,” remarked a fifth viewer.