In a shocking incident during the Ganpati Visarjan procession, a large Ganpati idol, known as “Lakshmi Road Cha Raja,” caught fire after sparks from cracker decorations landed on artificial flower adornments. The dramatic moment was captured in a video that has since gone viral on social media. As the fire erupted during the festive dance, the crowd quickly sprang into action, with people using water bottles in their hands to douse the flames and frantically removing the flower decorations to prevent further damage. The swift response of the devotees helped bring the situation under control, ensuring no major injuries were reported.
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Another video has gone viral showing Anant Ambani, son of business tycoon Mukesh Ambani, taking part in the grand procession of the renowned Lalbaugcha Raja, adding to the event’s grandeur. In an emotional and celebratory atmosphere, Mumbai bid farewell to its most cherished Ganesh idol, with thousands of devotees chanting, “Ganpati Bappa Morya, Pudhchya Varshi Lavkar Yaa” (Come back soon next year!). The Visarjan ceremony, filled with traditional festivities, heavy rain, and large crowds, highlighted the city’s deep connection to its beloved Lalbaugcha Raja.