Recently, an old Chevrolet newspaper advertisement went viral and was widely shared among the internet users, bringing forth the nostalgia. The advertisement focuses on a 5-seater Chevrolet at Rs. 3,600, a sharp contrast to the cost of the vehicle in current times. Another model costs Rs. 2,700, is durable, and apt for roads with much roughness and unavailability of tarmac. The advertisement gives a view of a time when the price factor was the hallmark of Chevrolet, reflecting the easy time in the history of automotive vehicles.
Some ads specify availability in Lucknow, while others mention delivery options to cities like Calcutta, Delhi, and Dibrugarh. On the other hand, even the cheapest 5-seater cars in the market today cost several lakhs, thereby emphasizing how money’s value has changed dramatically over time.
The resurfaced advertisement has gone viral in the social media world, and it has gathered diversified reactions. One commented quipping, “I am rich but in a different century,” while another simply shared, “Great days, I still miss those days.”
A user highlighted a deeper look into inflation by saying, “In the year 1936, the value of Rs. 3,675 is now, in 2024, Rs. 3,67,50,000.” A user humorously commented, “I am rich, but my treasures belong to a bygone century.” Adding to this, one user aptly observed, “Must be very costly at that time.”
This viral piece of history has not only rekindled discussions about inflation and the value of money but also shed light on Chevrolet’s legacy in India. Once a significant player in the Indian automotive market, Chevrolet stopped its operations in the country in 2017, bringing to a close a long chapter of its presence.
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