In a shocking incident, an elephant went on a rampage during a Dussehra mela in Bihar’s Saran district on Saturday, causing chaos in the market area for over two hours. An elephant trampled several cars and sent the locals into a panic before a mahout managed to calm the enraged animal.
Videos shared widely on social media captured the intense moments as the elephant, with a few riders on its back, stormed through the crowded streets of Saran. The massive animal rammed into cars, creating havoc and terror among the residents. The police were alerted to the situation but were initially unable to control the elephant’s rampage.
A mahout was eventually called in to help. Along with a team of forest department officials, the mahout successfully pacified the angry elephant and led it to a nearby secluded garden. Authorities confirmed that several vehicles were damaged, and one person was injured. The injured individual was rushed to a hospital, where his condition was reported to be stable.
While the exact cause of the elephant’s aggression remains unknown, police and forest officials are investigating the incident. Fortunately, no lives were lost, and the situation was brought under control.
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