In a shocking turn of events, BJP MLA Yogesh Verma was slapped by advocate Awadhesh Singh in Lakhimpur Kheri, Uttar Pradesh, on Wednesday. The incident, which was captured on video and quickly went viral, triggered a violent response from Verma’s supporters, who retaliated by attacking the advocate. Police were called to the scene to restore order amidst the chaos.
The clash comes at a critical time as the area prepares for the Urban Cooperative Bank management committee elections. Tensions have been heightened by a letter from district BJP president Sunil Singh and MLA Yogesh Verma, requesting the postponement of the elections. However, Additional District Magistrate (ADM) Sanjay Singh confirmed that the elections will proceed as scheduled. Allegations of tampering with the voter list have also emerged, with accusations that some individuals have torn the list.
The election process is set to begin on October 14, with approximately 12,000 shareholders eligible to vote. The nomination process started on Wednesday, followed by the withdrawal of nominations on October 10. The final voter list will be released on October 11, alongside the allocation of election symbols. Despite the unfolding controversy, ADM Singh assured that the elections will be conducted fairly and on time. In contrast, MLA Yogesh Verma has alleged that the election process is fraudulent, further complicating the already tense situation.
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