A few days after a Mumbai-based doctor discovered a human finger in an ice cream cone ordered online, a video has surfaced showing a family finding a dead mouse in a bottle of Hershey’s chocolate syrup purchased from the quick-commerce company Zepto. The video also reveals hair coming out of the bottle.
Prami Sridhar shared the video on Instagram, stating that three family members had consumed the contaminated syrup before realizing there was an issue. One of them had to undergo a medical examination. “We ordered Hershey chocolate syrup from Zepto, to eat with brownie cakes, we started by pouring with cakes. caught small hair continuously. decided to open. The opening was sealed and intact. we opened and poured into disposable glass a thick and hard consistency of death (dead) rat dropped down. by washing in running water for reconfirmation. It’s a death (dead) rat,” she wrote on Instagram, accompanying the video.
Watch The Viral Video:
The viral video shows the family emptying the bottle into a cup. As the video progresses, they notice something unusual in the chocolate syrup. To investigate further, they run it under tap water, discovering it is a dead mouse.
Following the video going viral, Hershey’s responded, saying, “Hi there, we are very sorry to see this. Please send us the UPC and manufacturing code from the bottle to [email protected] with the reference number 11082163 so one of our team members can assist you!”
In her post, Sridhar mentioned that the family tried to file a complaint with the company––without specifying if it was Zepto or Hershey’s––but received no response. She also noted that a girl who consumed the syrup fainted and had to be taken to a hospital but is now “alright.”
Sridhar concluded her post by advising people to check products before giving them to children. “This is extremely concerning and unacceptable. We worried about the health risks and the lack of quality control,” she wrote, demanding a “full investigation” and “assurance that this will not happen again.”
In other news, a Bengaluru couple received a cobra with their Amazon package. The viral video showed the snake wriggling as it was stuck to the black tape.