Residents of Pushkardham Society in Jamnagar, Gujarat, were left horrified after a dead frog was discovered in a packet of wafers purchased by Jasmin Patel. The unsettling incident came to light when Patel’s daughter opened the packet the next morning, only to find the unexpected and disturbing addition inside.

Jasmin Patel, residing on street no. 5 of Pushkardham Society, had bought the wafers and consumed half of them the previous night without incident. However, the shocking discovery of the dead frog in the remaining wafers prompted Patel to contact the Jamnagar Municipal Corporation Food Branch immediately.

Officials from the Food Branch swiftly responded by visiting Patel’s home to inspect the packet. Upon confirming the presence of the frog, they collected samples of the contaminated wafers along with others from the same batch for thorough testing. The investigation aims to determine the cause of contamination and ensure the safety and quality of food products available to consumers.

In response to the incident, Jai Sachdev, manager of Balaji Wafers, issued a statement emphasizing the company’s commitment to hygiene and quality control. “Our plant operates with complete automation, ensuring any defective potatoes are removed. Therefore, the presence of a frog in our product is unacceptable. We are conducting a thorough investigation into this matter to maintain our standards of providing hygienic products,” the statement assured.

The discovery has sparked widespread concern among residents about food safety standards and the reliability of manufacturing processes. The community awaits further developments from the investigation to address these alarming issues effectively.