Chandrika Gera Dixit, popularly known as the ‘Vada Pav Girl’ from Delhi, is under attack after a video went viral which showed her handling food in unhygienic ways while preparing vada pavs. The Instagram video that has gone viral shows Dixit touching her nose multiple times during food preparation, raising a red flag on food safety.

The video has raised strong reactions from netizens, with most worried about the lack of hygiene. “Hygiene is very important whether you are eating food by street vendor or in a restaurant,” commented a user, while another described it as “This is unacceptable. Food handlers must maintain proper hygiene to ensure public safety.”

The video, put up by content creator Urvashi Agarwal (@bano_fitindia), received more than 15,000 views within less than 30 minutes and was heavily condemned in the comments.

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Many there thanked Agarwal for bringing the issue to people’s attention, saying, “This reminds me of food hygiene,” while another hailed Agarwal for constructive criticism that might inspire improvement in food handling standards.

Dixit did not comment on the video either.

Dixit became viral earlier this year after a video of her selling vada pavs in the Delhi Sainik Vihar area surfaced. Her entrepreneurship journey began after leaving Haldiram’s for doing her own street food business, driven by personal circumstances in her family. An inspiring story like this even got her collaborations with content creators and an appearance on the show ‘Bigg Boss OTT 3’, where she exposed that she earns about Rs. 40,000 daily from her vada pav stall.